Monday, August 27, 2007

Accessories Swap Package!!

I returned home from Kansas city to find that I had a package slip in my post box! I knew my accessories swap partner in Italy had mailed it, but I was shocked at how quickly it arrived! I was at the post office when they opened this morning...I was so excited!! The package was filled with so many beautiful things and my pictures do NOT do them justice!! Adrienne sent a gorgeous stole out of a dark burnt orange yarn that is the most amazing color, a golden scarf that is delicate and shimmers in the light, a pair of crochet earrings in silver and green, a three strand necklace out of bronze wire and beads in earth tones that is fabulous, and a choker in a brilliant blue thread with sea green beads. She also sent a postcard of a beautiful cathedral, a puzzle, a vanilla sachet and a Knitting magazine that I will really enjoy!! I tried to make patterns I had never attempted before and Adrienne did the same! Thank you so much Adrienne for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fall Afghan

This is the beginning of a fall aghan. When going through and sorting yarn, I realized I had tons of fall colors and decided to put them to good use. The pattern for this square has a 3-d look with a cross at the center and is quick and easy to make.


I have finished four more items for my accessories swap partner! I crocheted a capelet out of lion brand homespun and knitted a scarf in matching shades. I am still looking for just the right pin to go with the capelet, but put the hummingbird pin in the picture to complete the look. I also crocheted some earrings out of ivory cotton (one of my few attempts at using thread) and added some beads to tie in the colors. There is also a crocheted bracelet in the upper left corner that is hard to see in the has been fun experiementing with wire and beads. Hope she likes them!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Americana Squares

I have been requesting squares from my Crochetville friends for an Americana afghan that I would like to make for my room. I just received two more squares for Holidays in July! An elf in NM sent the gorgeous granny square. It is hard to see from the photo, but the blue is a lovely denim color that adds just the right touch to this square to really make it "pop!"An elf in CT sent the amazing flag square and also some crochet heart earrings. I love this flag pattern and need to hunt it down for future reference!! Thank you ladies!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sweet Pea Shawl

Finally finished this shawl for my accessories swap partner in Italy!! I had never worked with thread before and there was a great deal of trial and error on this one. It is hard to see the colors from these photos but it is actually a combination of turquiose, green and lilac. I made it out of Classic Elite Flash in Lagoon. Now on to the matching gear to go with it!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Friendship Scarf Project

I recently finished this scarf as a demo for a project with the girls in our homeschool group. There are girls of various ages and each is required to make 16 4-inch granny squares in one color of yarn -- one to share with each girl and one for themselves. We will be working on this over several meetings and then have an assembling meeting to put them all together. They will also be making autograph books and we will take a picture of their square to put on their page and they can sign a personal message. Once you master the granny square, there are so many things you can do with it! I am really proud of these girls for their willingness to jump right in and give this a try!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Holidays in July!

Wow! I just got the most fantastic package from "two furry elves" in New Jersey (if you look closely, you will see them in the picture on the top right). They sent 3 beautiful thread bookmarks, a set of 4 handy little notebooks with seashells on them and a potpourri sachet which smells fantastic! Thank you so much for thinking of me!! I especially love the elves picture that I have already attached magnets to and put on my fridge...makes me smile every time I see them! Thank you

Monday, July 9, 2007

Secret Pal revealed

I just got my reveal package from ***Ann***! Thank you so much, it is wonderful!!! She made me a beautiful navy summer shawl and I wish my picture could do it justice! I got wool-ease yarn in a color called "pines" which is a combination of deep blues and is beautiful and I can't wait to work with it! Also a devotion book and a book about pals by Mary Engelbreit! I am a lighthouse collector and she sent me a lighthouse charm, christmas ornament, notepad and a lovely little lighthouse model to add to my collection!! 2 great crochet books that I can't wait to dig through and some gorgeous purse handles!! In a little pouch she also put in some stitch markers and a stitch counter! I don't have a stitch counter and have long needed one and my kids will be thrilled to see me use stitch markers since I have never actually had any before (I use tiny hair clips and my girls are always complaining that they can't ever find any for their hair!) So thank you Ann for being such a fabulous secret pal and for the wonderful are the best!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I am getting the "reveal" box packed up and ready to ship to my summer secret pal swap partner who lives in Indiana. I am sending her a box with a variety of handmade items and I also made her this rug. It is proving a bit of a challenge to wrap and I am hoping it makes it there without getting damaged! This is a really fun pattern to make. The mats are inexpensive and you basically cross stitch onto it with fabric strips and a giant needle. I also sprayed it with scotchguard so it will last longer. Hope she likes it!
The "reveal" box from the lady who was my secret pal (in Washington state) will also be coming this week...I can't wait...will definitely be stalking the mailman!!

Friday, July 6, 2007


Yeah! Not a traditional baby blanket, but I couldn't resist!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Double elves!

Wow! Today I received packages from two more of my crochet sisters for Holidays in July! The first was a lovely thread book mark from an elf in Kentucky. The second was a from an elf in Florida who sent a beautiful crochet angel (that I have GOT to learn how to make!), a delicate snowflake, a gorgeous blue verigated book mark and a booklet to make small doilies. I had requested thread bookmarks because I am not very good at working with thread so this gracious lady found a pattern book that even I may be able to make. I am excited to give it a go!

Holidays in #July 1 and #3

Someone recently pointed out that they didn't see a Holidays in July #1 post. I have to admit that when I received my first package for holidays in July that I got a little carried away! I got 4 skeins of gorgeous cotton thread from an elf in New York. The picture is of those skeins and the dishcloth I immediately started working on...just couldn't resist! I love working with cotton!
Package # 3 just arrived and in it was a beautiful 12 inch square in burgandy! On my wishlist, I asked for 12 inch squares in americana colors for an afghan I am making for my room. I would love to have an afghan with squares made by all my crocheting friends!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Holidays in July #2

Wow! I received this bookmark from an elf in Oklahoma today! I am not very good at working with thread, so thread bookmarks was an item I put on my wishlist for the Crochetville Holidays in July. On the right you see my production center. I found Christmas cards at the thrift shop, some old wrapping paper in the closet under the stairs and now I am all set to be an elf myself. I have to make a trip to the post office tomorrow to mail out this bunch! It is fun to make a little something for each of these ladies and I have to admit, I am stalking the mailman these days because you never know when a little something will come in the mail for me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Secret Pal Surprise

I got a package today from my secret pal in Washington! I started off the morning with a migraine and basically stayed in my room all day with the curtains closed. K brought the mail in with my package and I was so surprised. My pal sent me a lighted crochet hook! I have never had one before and it lights up so brightly that I could sit there in the dark and crochet with it! She also sent a book of dishcloth patterns and some beautiful cotton thread! Really made my was the best medicine! Thanks Ann!!

Monday, June 25, 2007


I love these dishrags! The verigated yarn adds a nice little highlight and you can never have too many of these!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Round Ripple Progress

Slowly but surely the round ripple for my daughter is growing! I am using a J hook and holding 2 strands of yarn together. It is turning out to be quite a heavy blanket and now too large to take with me so I have to work on it when I have time at home.

More of the One skein scarves!

You have to ignore the brightly colored table cloth, but here are 2 more of the one skein scarves from the SNB book. One is out of the pink camo yarn and the other out of a caron peach with trellis added.

remembrance square

I just finished a 12- inch square for a lady who is making a remembrance afghan in honor of her husband. He was a volunteer fireman who lost his life in the line of duty. His story is here:

She had requested 12-inch squares in red white and blue. This pattern is called the "World Trade Center Memorial Square" and can be found at this link:

It is a pattern I would definitely use again!

Monday, June 11, 2007

One Skein Scarf

We had a Star Wars movie marathon in which we watched all six! We made pizza and other junk food and settled in for the long haul! Sounded like crochet time to me, so I decided to pick a pattern and stick with it for the duration. These scarves are the "One Skein Scarf" pattern from the SNB book. They are pretty scarves, lightweight enough for a summer accent and are fairly quick and easy to make! The scarf in the first picture is actually made from ribbon yarn and although the picture isn't the greatest, the colors are a beautiful combination of earth tones! You can click on either picture for a better view!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Baby Afghan

This is a baby afghan for a lady in our homeschool group. Several ladies made squares to contribute and this is the final product! Just in time for the baby shower on Friday.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Fat Bottom Bags

I already posted about a bag I made for my sister called the "Fat Bottom Bag." It is one of my favorite patterns and is hard to make just one!

Secret Pal Strikes Again!

I have a really thoughtful secret pal from crochetville for the summer swap! Yesterday I received a wonderful book of historical fiction about Nebraska pioneers, a beautiful lighthouse bookmark (which I especially love since I collect lighthouses!) and some tea that I haven't tried before! A good book and a cup of tea...that is hard to beat! Thank you Ann!

Birthday Bag!

My sister finally received her bag I sent for her birthday so I can actually post a picture. It is the Fat Bottom Bag from the SNB book. Red is her favorite color...hope you like it Sab.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Summer Scarf Swap

This is the beautiful lacy scarf I
received from my summer scarf swap partner on Crochetville. Not only did she send this lovely dark green scarf, but some tasty chocolate, gorgeous yarn, and a bookmark, magnet and can cozy from Austin. Thanks Renee!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Watermelon Obsession

I have been working on a box to send my secret pal. I decided on a watermelon theme for summer. It was almost impossible to get a picture without the cat (princess tigerlily) since she was positive that this was a place I created for her to sleep -- complete with toys to chew on. So far I have 2 potholders, 4 coasters, a magnet and a hotpad...still working on a rug and a basket...I will get there...eventually.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Round Ripple Projects

I am currently working on
2 round ripple afghans. The bright colored afghan is for my daughter -- I almost need sunglasses to work on it! She reminds me every day that I should be working on it for her! I used 2 strands of yarn held together and a J hook and it is coming along quickly! The other is a single strand and a much smaller hook so it is more time consuming to complete. It is amazing how many other projects crop up and these get put on the back burner. That is why they fall into the "WIP" category. Work in Progress!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Patterns!

I just got this in the mail from my Summer Secret Pal. I am participating in a secret pal swap on Crochetville which has been a lot of fun! The lady who has me has been fun to get to know. She is also a homeschool mom and I get thoughtful cards from her and recently got this wonderful book! As for the woman who I am the secret pal for, I have been contacting everone I can think of and asking them to send her a postcard from their state. If this lady thinks she can figure out where I am, she is sadly mistaken. She lives in Indiana and I have postcards going to her from Washington to Florida and most places in between. Even got lucky with a friend who was travelling from Tennessee to California and stopping to mail cards for me along the way! THANK YOU to everyone who is helping with that crazy scheme!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Total Terror

This picture is in my photobucket album (be sure to click on it to get the full effect) and someone asked why in the world it was in there. Not an unreasonable query. We have travelled the world courtesy of the military and in those travels I had NEVER seen anything this hideous. I was up early one morning typing away at Crochetville when some movement caught my eye and I turned to see this "thing" running across the floor. It has long legs and sort up raises up and runs at incredible speed. I screamed so loud that my ears were ringing and then I beat it to death with a broom. Crochetville has an amazingly diverse population with people from many countries and parts of the US, so...I sat back down at the computer, posted a picture and requested that anyone who had seen one of these would let me know along with the location so I could put it on my list of places NOT to retire. Looking at this picture, you may be requesting a copy of that list, so here it is so far. I consider any place with a sighting to be a "red zone" and the clear places are "green zones"

Michigan, Florida, Missouri, New York, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Colorado, Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Arizona, Wyoming, New Jersey, Connecticut, Italy, North Carolina, Texas, Canada, South Carolina, Virginia.
You would think Florida would be a prime location, but several ladies wrote in to say they had never seen them. I was born and raised in Florida and while we have our share of nasty critters, that was not one of them. So I am thinking maybe Wyoming is looking good for retirement!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


I just finished a birthday present for my "older" sister Katie. I am late getting it done (as usual) but hope she will like it. I will post a picture as soon as I know she has received it...since she looks at this blog. In the meantime... Happy Birthday Old Grannybug!

Birthday present

I made this purse and book mark for a young friend. The pattern is from a book called "Funky, Chunky Crochet" I used a strand of worsted weight yarn held together with twine. This way I didn't need to line it and it also seems more durable and holds a better shape. Happy Birthday Mad!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fridgie Swap

I was recently in a fridgie swap on crochetville and my partner sent me some gorgeous fridgies that I love. If you love to crochet, crochetville is a board for people of all levels of ability. The members share patterns, show their work and offer support to each other. They are a great bunch and I enjoy being part of the board. Thank you Kathryn for the fridgies!