Monday, May 28, 2007

Total Terror

This picture is in my photobucket album (be sure to click on it to get the full effect) and someone asked why in the world it was in there. Not an unreasonable query. We have travelled the world courtesy of the military and in those travels I had NEVER seen anything this hideous. I was up early one morning typing away at Crochetville when some movement caught my eye and I turned to see this "thing" running across the floor. It has long legs and sort up raises up and runs at incredible speed. I screamed so loud that my ears were ringing and then I beat it to death with a broom. Crochetville has an amazingly diverse population with people from many countries and parts of the US, so...I sat back down at the computer, posted a picture and requested that anyone who had seen one of these would let me know along with the location so I could put it on my list of places NOT to retire. Looking at this picture, you may be requesting a copy of that list, so here it is so far. I consider any place with a sighting to be a "red zone" and the clear places are "green zones"

Michigan, Florida, Missouri, New York, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Colorado, Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Arizona, Wyoming, New Jersey, Connecticut, Italy, North Carolina, Texas, Canada, South Carolina, Virginia.
You would think Florida would be a prime location, but several ladies wrote in to say they had never seen them. I was born and raised in Florida and while we have our share of nasty critters, that was not one of them. So I am thinking maybe Wyoming is looking good for retirement!

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