Sunday, August 5, 2007


I have finished four more items for my accessories swap partner! I crocheted a capelet out of lion brand homespun and knitted a scarf in matching shades. I am still looking for just the right pin to go with the capelet, but put the hummingbird pin in the picture to complete the look. I also crocheted some earrings out of ivory cotton (one of my few attempts at using thread) and added some beads to tie in the colors. There is also a crocheted bracelet in the upper left corner that is hard to see in the has been fun experiementing with wire and beads. Hope she likes them!!

1 comment:

marnmic said...

I love the capelet. It is beautiful! I love the scarf too!
I'll be bringing my granny squres to work on for my baby afghans tomorrow at KFC. See you then. :-)