Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Usually I put only crochet related items on this blog, but had to make an exception for today. Ron is in Germany for 3 weeks so it is just the kids and I. Friday was also our anniversary and I received the roses then and the beautiful necklace today (Kelsey made the fabulous card!)...thanks guys...looks like I may renew your contract after all!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm on a Roll!

I finished and blocked my second "Sweet Pea" shawl for this week. With Ron in Germany for 3 weeks, I am getting in some late night crochet time. It is hard to really see the colors from this picture, but the yarn is varigated jewel tones including a deep green. Kelsey is wearing a bright red and it kind ogf masks the colors, but hey, I was happy to have a model!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

sweet pea shawl

I just finished the Sweet Pea Shawl from the SNB book! I love this pattern and am still deciding whether or not to add fringe. I may add some ribbon instead of yarn fringe...hmmm.