Monday, August 27, 2007

Accessories Swap Package!!

I returned home from Kansas city to find that I had a package slip in my post box! I knew my accessories swap partner in Italy had mailed it, but I was shocked at how quickly it arrived! I was at the post office when they opened this morning...I was so excited!! The package was filled with so many beautiful things and my pictures do NOT do them justice!! Adrienne sent a gorgeous stole out of a dark burnt orange yarn that is the most amazing color, a golden scarf that is delicate and shimmers in the light, a pair of crochet earrings in silver and green, a three strand necklace out of bronze wire and beads in earth tones that is fabulous, and a choker in a brilliant blue thread with sea green beads. She also sent a postcard of a beautiful cathedral, a puzzle, a vanilla sachet and a Knitting magazine that I will really enjoy!! I tried to make patterns I had never attempted before and Adrienne did the same! Thank you so much Adrienne for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fall Afghan

This is the beginning of a fall aghan. When going through and sorting yarn, I realized I had tons of fall colors and decided to put them to good use. The pattern for this square has a 3-d look with a cross at the center and is quick and easy to make.


I have finished four more items for my accessories swap partner! I crocheted a capelet out of lion brand homespun and knitted a scarf in matching shades. I am still looking for just the right pin to go with the capelet, but put the hummingbird pin in the picture to complete the look. I also crocheted some earrings out of ivory cotton (one of my few attempts at using thread) and added some beads to tie in the colors. There is also a crocheted bracelet in the upper left corner that is hard to see in the has been fun experiementing with wire and beads. Hope she likes them!!